ARHIVĂ 2019-2020


  • Anunț proba baraj elevi clsasa VIII
  • Rezultate contestati
  • “I am happy with myself”

    Erasmus+ project

    First Mobility in Adana, Turkey

    4-9 November 2019


    The first days of activities in the „I am happy with myself” Erasmus+ project, together with the partners from Belgium, Germany, Turkey and Lithuania started with the teams coming together at our host school and getting to know each other. It was an interesting day because we were excited to meet our partners and the students were also very eager to see their new friends.

    On the second day of the Erasmus+ project „I am happy with myself”we visited a cooperative which aims at helping women by teaching them different trades, like water transfer painting, carving, weaving. The children and teachers participated in workshops, we met with the major of Adana and then we evaluated the activities. We also went to the Adana Chamber of Commerce, where we met with some women entrepreneurs, whose work also focuses on helping women from rural areas, amongst other things. The children worked together to create an activity plan.

    On our third day of the project we visited a farming cooperative for women, where children had the chance to talk with them, find out about their life and their work. They also visited the cooperative’s citrus orchard and learned how to cook a traditional dish. At the end, we all enjoyed a meal together, made by our wonderful hosts.

    The last day of the Erasmus+ project „I am happy with myself” had the dissemination of the children’s business plans that they’ve worked on all week and also their impressions and feelings during the four days of activities and visits. The teachers discussed the plans for the future mobilities and other activities and then everyone received their certificate of participation, after which came the farewell party.



    Balul bobocilor este organizat în data de 14.11 începînd cu ora 17.00 la




    „Ouvre ton esprit, vis ton Europe”!

    „I am happy with myself”!



    Festivitatea de deschidere a anului școlar 2019-2020 va avea loc luni
    9 septembrie 2019, la ora  10 .00

    Elevii vor fi prezenți la ora 9.45.


    Vă așteptăm cu drag și vă dorim succes!



    Școala Tehnologică Austriacă din România (STAR)

              In cadrul seriei de evenimente prilejuite de aniversarea a 145 de ani de existenta a invatamântului tehnic prahovean, Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Prahova, în colaborare cu Institutia Prefectului Judetul Prahova, Consiliul Judetean Prahova si Camera de Comert si Industrie a Judetului Prahova, a organizat vineri, 18 mai 2018, la sediul Liceului Tehnologic „1Mai” din Ploiesti, CAMPANIA DE PROMOVARE A INVATAMÂNTULUI DUAL (click pentru mai multe informatii).
    Evenimentul si-a propus a fi o reala dezbatere, atât a legislatiei care reglementeaza aceasta forma de invatamânt profesional, cât a modalitatilor concrete prin care este posibila implementarea invatamântului dual. Cu aceasta ocazie, doamna Dalia Maria Mircea- Daramus, Director, Centrul national de dezvoltare a invatamantului profesional si tehnic, a inmanat, din partea ministrului educatiei nationale, Diploma Aniversara „Nicolae Iorga”, insotita de placheta, Liceului Tehnologic „1 Mai”, municipiul Ploiesti, continuatorul primei scoli de arte si meserii, infiintata in judetul Prahova la 22 octombrie 1872.

                 La intalnire au participat: Stefan Radu Oprea – Ministrul Mediului de afaceri, comert si antreprenoriat, Liviu Marian Pop, senator, presedinte al comisiei de invatamant din senat, Robert Cazanciuc, senator, presedinte al Comisiei Juridice din senat, Cristian Ghica, senator, Ioana Madalina Lupea, prefect al judetului Prahova, Calin Negraru, primar al orasului Mizil, Cristian Mihai Ganea, viceprimar al municipiului Ploiesti, Suzana Ilie, Coordonator regional CNDIPT, regiunea Sud-Muntenia, Rodica Albu, Coordonator regional CNDIPT, regiunea Sud-Muntenia, Magdalena Stoian, OMV Petrom, Ancuta Neder, Camera de comert si insustrie, Silviu Baciu, director general, SC CONPET SA.
            Au mai participat reprezentanti ai operatorilor economici care deruleaza acorduri de parteneriat cu liceele tehnologice din judetul Prahova: S.C. Upetrom 1 Mai S.A. Ploiesti; S.C. Uzuc SA Ploiesti; S.C. Eurial Invest SRL; S.C. Calsonic Kensei Romania; S.C. Adient Automotive Romania; S.C. Creafreres SRL; S.C. Larilin Prod SRL; S.C. Mika Travel SRL; S.C. Fepper S.A. Sucursala Ploiesti; S.C. Pami Concept SRL; S.C. Arcade Doors SRL; S.C. Alexandrion Grup Romania SRL Bucov; S.C. Estetic Modern SCM.

    De asemenea, au participat directori si profesori din mai multe licee tehnologice, respectiv scoli gimnaziale, din judetul Prahova.